- Servings: 4-5
- Preparation time: 5 minutes.
- Blending time: 3 minutes.
- Total time: 8 minutes.
Curd is an integral part of Indian meal, everyone loves in different form. In summer, meal is incomplete without yogurt or lassi. Adding seasonal fruit like mango in the curd, it not only enhances the flavor, but also gives us calcium, vitamins, protein and vitamin-A.
- Mango: 2 no. (250-300 gm)
- Curd: 2 cups
- Sugar/honey: 2 tablespoon (as per taste)
- Mango essence: ½ teaspoon (optional)
- Malai (fresh cream): ½ cup (optional)
- Almond sliced: 1 tablespoon
- Pistachios sliced: 1 tablespoon
- Ice cubes: few
- Chop almond and pistachios into small slices. Keep aside.
- Peel off mangoes, cut into pieces, keep aside and discard seeds.
- Put the pulp in to blending jar along with sugar, blend it till fine paste.
- Add curd, ice cubes; churn it with blender on full speed till it becomes smooth and frothy(about 2 minutes).
- Add essence, churn for a while, smooth and doubled frothy mango lassi is ready.
- Healthy Sweet mango lassi (sweet mango yogurt drink) is ready, while serving in tumbler garnish with a hip spoon of malai, sliced almond and pistachio.

Sweet mango lassi (sweet mango yogurt drink) by Nag Ratna Sahu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.