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Banana shake

  • Servings: 2-3
  • Preparation time: 4-5 minutes.
  • Blending time: 2 minutes.
  • Total time: 7 minutes.

Banana Shake is a classic and wholesome beverage made from ripe bananas blended with milk, and often sweetened with a touch of sugar or honey.

When I serve Banana Shake, I like to add a special touch by sprinkling freshly grated coconut on top. The addition of grated coconut not only enhances the presentation but also adds a delightful texture and flavour that complements the creamy sweetness of the shake.

The contrast between the smooth banana blend and the crunchy coconut creates a more interesting and satisfying experience with each sip. This simple garnish elevates the Banana Shake, making it feel more indulgent and refreshing, whether it’s enjoyed as a breakfast treat or a midday snack.

This creamy and nutritious shake is a popular choice for breakfast or as a quick snack, offering a burst of energy and a refreshing taste. Bananas provide natural sweetness and are rich in essential nutrients like potassium, vitamins, and dietary fiber, making the shake not only delicious but also healthy.



  1. Grate coconut with help of grater.
  2. Peel cardamom and pound it.
  3. Peel off banana, cut into small pieces.


  1. Take a grinding jar, put makhane, cashew nut, almond and sugar.
  2. Grind coarsely, add banana, 100 ml milk, one table spoon of fresh coconut, almond, cashew nut, walnut and dry grapes, blend it till it become smooth.
  3. Add remaining 200 ml milk, green cardamom powder and honey, mix well.
  4. Healthy banana shake is ready for everyone.
  5. While serving in tumbler garnish with fresh grated coconut.
Banana shake
Banana shake
Ingredients of Banana shake
Ingredients of Banana shake
Ingredients of Banana shake
Ingredients of Banana shake
 Banana shake
Banana shake
 Banana shakewith honey
Banana shakewith honey


Healthy and delicious banana shake is ready for everyone.

CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Banana shake by Nag Ratna Sahu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.