- Servings: 2
- Preparation time: 5 minutes.
- Grill time: 2 minutes.
- Total time: 7 minutes.
An Avocado rich sandwich is very delicious, exciting and appetising can to be served in everyday breakfast. It is quite different from regular sandwich with its amazing properties.
Very good for carrying Tiffin as a travel food; if you have plan of early morning outing, just prepare it in previous night, I usually prepare this with English muffins for travelling purpose as well as for regular breakfast.
I would like to say this creamy, smooth, soft and thick avocado sandwich is perfect for any type of bread and can be prepared quickly.
- Avocado: 1 no.
- Salt: ½ teaspoon
- Black pepper powder: 1 teaspoon
- Red chilli flacks (kuti): ½ teaspoon (optional)
- English muffins/Sandwich bread: 2-4 slice
- Butter: 30 gm
- Cut the avocado into two halves: discard the seed, scoop out the pulp with help of spoon, (before scooping keeps few beautiful slices for garnishing). Keep aside.
- Put the pulp, butter, salt and pepper, and blend it till fine paste. Keep aside.
- Toast/Grill the sandwich bread from both sides, spread prepared blended paste on the toast, garnish with sliced avocado and Red chilli flacks; sandwich is ready to serve.
- Slice the English muffin horizontally make it into two; Toast/Grill the bread from both sides, spread prepared blended paste on the one part of toasted bread, garnish with sliced avocado and red chilli flacks, put another part over it; sandwich is ready to serve. Fold it into cooking sheet and Tiffin is ready for travelling.
- Yummy and healthy…

Avocado Sandwich by Nag Ratna Sahu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.