Wheat Kheer (Gehun ka Kheer)

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Wheat Kheer (Gehun ka Kheer)

Serving: 5-6

  • Preparation time: 5-6 minutes.
  • Cooking time: 30-35 minutes.
  • Total time: 41 minutes.

When our family friends visited after a long time, for me it was an opportunity to express my joy through the art of cooking, creating warm welcoming atmosphere. I decided to prepare a special dish using roasted whole wheat brought from Bihar (our native).

“Whole Wheat Kheer”, also known as “Gehun ki Kheer”, is a wholesome and nutritious dessert that offers a delightful twist over the traditional rice kheer.

The wheat grains are often roasted on medium flame until roasting aroma comes and colour changes.

Here I used palm jaggery as a sweetener and enriched with a lavish drizzle of ghee, the kheer is further adorned with a generous sprinkle of chopped nuts like almonds and pistachios. This adds a crunchy contrast to the soft, chewy wheat grains.

Whole Wheat Kheer is not only satisfying but also provides a hearty dose of fiber, making it a healthier dessert option. It’s especially popular during festive seasons and cold winter months, serving as a comforting end to a meal.

It was more than just a meal; it was a celebration of reunion, regional flavours, and shared histories.


  • Roasted wheat: 100 gm
  • Milk: 1 liter
  • Palm Jaggery: 100 gm (2-3 serving spoon)
  • Green cardamom powder: 1 teaspoon
  • saffron: 2 pinch
  • Cashew nuts: 12-15 no.
  • Raisin: 20-25 no.
  • Pistachio: 10 no.
  • Almond: 10 no.
  • Ghee (clarified utter): 2 tablespoon


  1. Slice the pistachio and almond thinly, keep aside.
  2. Roughly grind roasted wheat; stir fry with 1 tablespoon ghee, keep aside.
  3. Stir fry cashew nut and raisin with 1 tablespoon ghee, keep aside.


  1. Take a heavy bottom pan; boil the milk, add wheat.
  2. Stir and let it cook on medium low flame for 25-30 minutes.. Stir it every 5 minutes.
  3. Put-off the flame, when wheat becomes double in size or until done.
  4. add jaggery and green cardamom powder when the kheer gets lukewarm.
  5. Add fried cashew nuts and resin too.
  6. Serve it into serving bowl; sprinkle the pistachio and saffron over it.
  7. You may serve hot or warm as per your wish.
Wheat Kheer (Gehun ka Kheer)
Wheat Kheer (Gehun ka Kheer)
Wheat Kheer (Gehun ka Kheer)
Wheat Kheer (Gehun ka Kheer)
Roughly grind roasted wheat
Roughly grind roasted wheat
stir fry with 1 tablespoon ghee
stir fry with 1 tablespoon ghee
add wheat
add wheat
cook on medium low flame
cook on medium low flame
add jaggery and green cardamom powder
add jaggery and green cardamom powder
Wheat Kheer (Gehun ka Kheer)is ready
Wheat Kheer (Gehun ka Kheer)is ready
Add fried cashew nuts and resin
Add fried cashew nuts and resin
Add fried cashew nuts and resin
Add fried cashew nuts and resin
Serve it into serving bowl
Serve it into serving bowl
sprinkle the pistachio and saffron
sprinkle the pistachio and saffron
Wheat Kheer (Gehun ka Kheer)is ready
add jaggery and green cardamom powder

CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Wheat Kheer (Gehun ka Kheer) by Nag Ratna Sahu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.