- Servings: 2
- Preparation time: 3 minutes.
- Frying time: 12 minutes.
- Total time: 15 minutes.
We have been staying in Japan since 2018 and had marvelous time here; we like many of Japanese specialties. My husband likes Japanese food most. I was surprised to see the texture of Japanese omelet (Tamagoyaki) in bento box. One of my friends explained me that it is a traditional staple dish often served as side dish of breakfast along with rice, miso soup, fish & pickled vegetables or sandoitchi (sandwich).
Oh…it looks fabulous! I thought preparing this must be something like rocket science; it has several thin layers of cooked egg rolled together, but now I know it is simple and can be prepared easily.
It requires a rectangular pan called tamagoyakinabe to prepare with few ingredients readily available in our kitchen and takes hardly 10 to 15 minutes.
It is good for kid’s lunch boxes, can be served warm or cold; can be stored in refrigerator for 2-3 days; most versatile protein dish.
- Egg: 3 nos.
- Salt: ¼ teaspoon (as per taste)
- Vinegar: 1 tablespoon
- Olive oil: 2 tablespoon
- Soya sauce: ½ teaspoon
- Mirin (Japanese sweet wine): 1 teaspoon
- Sugar: 1 teaspoon
Note: to avoid sweet taste in the recipe I skipped to add mirin and sugar.
- Break eggs into the mixing bowl; whip with spoon or fork, add salt, soya sauce and vinegar, keep aside.
- Preheat tamagoyakinabe/nonstick fry pan on medium flame; grease the inner bottom and wall with paper towel, to test readiness pour one drop, if the sizzling sound appears; means it is ready.
- Pour 2 teaspoon of prepared mixer, tilt the pan to evenly spread the mixer in whole pan; when the bottom has set but upper layer is still soft, start to fold (roll) like log with help of fork form start to end (see photo).
- (Keep flame always on medium; if you do-not need, just take off the pan from fire and continue to cook…)
- Keep the rolled omelet in pan itself, apply oil to the pan bottom also under the rolled omelet with paper towel, pour again 2 teaspoon of the egg mixture, tilt the pan to evenly spread the mixer all over the pan also under the cooked omelet (just by lifting it for a moment), when the new bottom layer has set but upper layer is still soft, start to fold one side to other over already prepared roll with help of fork (see photo).
- Again apply oil and continue the same as 3rd layer, 4th layer and so on until all mixture is finished (it can be 7-8 layers; remove from pan and place the omelet on bamboo mat then roll it with slightly pressing manner continue to roll at the end of the bamboo mat as in photo.
- Press with both hands so that it sets as a roll; leave it for couple of minutes, slice the omelet into ~ 1” pieces with sharp knife. Serve on sea weed.

Tamagoyaki (Japanese Rolled Omelet) 玉子焼き by Nag Ratna Sahu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.